Wings Over L.A. is a Conceptual Design for a “World Class BirdPark” in Southern California. Originally created for my Thesis Project (presentation photo below) in Landscape Architecture at UCLA, the idea stirred up a lot of interest especially in the avian community so I thought I would dedicate a blog to it in hopes that one day, enough enthusiasts would help to make it a reality.

What’s a World Class BirdPark?
“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.
Abraham Verghese
Wings is a World Class BirdPark because it has the Greatest number of species of Birds and Exotic Plants compared to many other Aviary in the World. The Park will contain 5 different avian habitats from around the world in the “Open Zoo Concept” Visitors will enjoy a close-up view of free flying exotic birds in spacious landscaped enclosures which simulate their natural wild habitats.
The Pacific Flyway
As well as the BirdPark, recreated Wetland Habitats will provide another small link in the chain of nurturing environments that has come to be know as “The Pacific Flyway” See more
Presently a no-man’s land of denuded demolition, sub-standard housing and junk-yard commercial buildings, the creation of a BirdPark is meant to reinvigorate and revitalize the area, creating nature paths for walking and bicycling, rest areas for picnicking and barbecuing, observation points for viewing wildlife in a re-constructed Fresh Water Wetlands, themed commercial areas for shopping and dining, games areas for playing basketball, tennis, softball and soccer, and – the piece de resistance – the BirdPark, an arrangement of eight distinct habitats in large aviaries constructed on the crest of the hills.
Wings is a World Class BirdPark because it has the Greatest number of species of Birds and Exotic Plants compared to any other Aviary in the World. The Park will contain 5 different avian habitats from around the world in the “Open Zoo Concept” Visitors will enjoy a close-up view of free flying exotic birds in spacious landscaped enclosures which simulate their natural wild habitats.
Positioned at the north end of San Pedro, CA adjacent to the Los Angeles Cruise Ship Terminal, “Wings over L.A.” spans four existing hills that demark the southern terminus of the 110 Harbor Freeway and the western approach to the noted Vincent Thomas Bridge.

the BirdPark, is an arrangement of eight distinct habitats in large aviaries constructed on the crest of the hills,
The BirdPark
My entire thesis is a synecdoche – a representation of the whole by an expression of the part – sculpting mini ecosystems that translate the meaning of Peruvian Cloud Forest, Amazon Rain Forest, Kalahari Desert, African Plains, Boreal Forest and Fresh Water Wetlands. I think of my park as an “open” design, where interaction between park inhabitants (the birds) and park goers (humans) is not only possible, but is desirable. “Open” design enhances learning and understanding, the broad underlying theme to my whole concept.

Presentation Boards

The New Rainforest Habitat –
North America & South America the “New World” was labeled by European voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. The Europeans discovered these two continents only in the late 15th century. So, to the Europeans, these lands were new compared to the older civilizations.
Hill 2 Pond & Waterfalls

Duck Pond & Macaw Clay Lick
Views from the St. Vincent Bridge
Hill 1 – The Cloud Forest Habitat
Museum, shops, & Restaurant