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What’s a World Class BirdPark?

“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.    

Abraham Verghese  

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The Pacific Flyway

As well as the BirdPark, recreated Wetland Habitats will provide another small link in the chain of nurturing environments that has come to be know as “The Pacific Flyway”   See more

water sketch

Presentation Boards

“Wings Over LA” 

 was originally created for my UCLA Landscape Architecture  thesis  Project (Presentation Photos below).  It is a conceptual design for a “World Class BirdPark”  to be located in San Pedro California in Southern California. The project stirred up a lot of interest especially in the Avian Community therefore I thought I would dedicate a blog to it in hopes that one day, enough enthusiasts would help to make it a reality.   See more

“Wings Over LA” 

is designed  to be “A World Class BirdPark” containing avian habitats in a “open zoo concept”. Visitors will enjoy a close-up and personal views of free flying exotic birds in spacious landscaped enclosures which simulate  their natural habitat.  

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What’s a World Class BirdPark?

“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.    

Abraham Verghese 


What’s a World Class BirdPark?

“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.    

Abraham Verghese 


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