“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.
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“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.
Abraham Verghese
“Birds can be studied essentially in two ways: by observing them in the field or (by observing them) in an aviary. If the latter happens to be a large aviary, which nearly simulates the natural habitats with walk-in facilities, then it would be different from the first two. Such an aviary may be more appropriately termed a BirdPark”.
Abraham Verghese
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